一、生产过程记录和文件Manufacturing Records and Documents
1、焊缝无损探伤报告 Weld Non-Destructive Examination Report
2、筒体强度试验记录和报告Pressure Test Reports
3、筒体气密性试验记录和报告Air Tightness Test Reports
4、筒体真空泄露试验记录和报告Vacuum Leak Test Reports
5、设备光洁度检测记录 Surface Roughness Detection Reports
6、材质检验报告或材质证明书 Material Certificate for Components
7、管路清洗酸洗钝化记录 Passivation and Cleaning Reports
8、压力容器检验合格证书 Certificate of Pressure Vessel Quality
9、生产总计划和日常计划表Production Plan and Daily Schedule
10、生产制造记录 Manufacturing Records
11、生产制造工艺 Manufacturing SOPs三、产品随机文件 Technical Documentation of Components
1、设计施工图纸 Manufacturing drawing
2、总装配图和管口方位图 Assembly and Layout Drawing
3、P&ID图 Pipeline Instrument Diagram
4、电气控制图和程序控制图Electrical and Program Control Diagram
5、设备配置和主要部件清单Components List and Parameters
6、易损件清单 Spare Parts List
7、产品使用和维护说明书 Use and Maintenance Manual
8、产品合格证书 Product Certificate
9、各部件的合格证和说明书 Components Certificate
10、保修服务卡 Warranty Card
11、相关照片Related Photos
12、装箱单 Packing List
13、PLC 程序和控制面板软件拷贝 PLC and Control Software Copy
三、产品随机文件 Technical Documentation of Components
1、设计施工图纸 Manufacturing drawing
2、总装配图和管口方位图 Assembly and Layout Drawing
3、P&ID图 Pipeline Instrument Diagram
4、电气控制图和程序控制图Electrical and Program Control Diagram